New Jersey


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Turf Treatments

Herbicide and fungicide treatments

Take a hold over weeds and grass disease

Non Selective Weed Control Maintenance Plan (Can Combine with mosquito or other plans) Average cost $60 per month.

One time service weed treatments available  (Price varies on size)

One time service grass disease treatments available (Price varies on size)

Don’t like how your yard looks? Are weeds, pests, and disease taking over your property? At Ecoguard LLC of N.J. we have answers to all of your toughest pest and lawn control needs. We are proud of our customer satisfaction reputation and always back our work with a guarantee.

With our weed and fungal exterminating services say goodbye to crabgrass, weeds, ivy, lawn diseases, ETC. and say hello to your new clean and healthy lawn.

Selective and non selective herbicide treatments


Did you know Ecoguard LLC now offers services to control those hard to kill weeds and other vegetation in your lawn or surrounding areas such as patios, sidewalks, rockbeds ETC.

We know that weeds can be stubborn and unsightly, fortunately we are here to improve your landscape. Killing weeds doesn’t have to be a never ending battle. Just like we remove pests in your home, weeds are pests too and our crew will use the best tools and methods to make sure your landscape is weed free.

We specialize our weed control services catered to your needs. We understand the need to do a thorough job or else the weeds will come back, that’s why our team always pays close attention to detail and applies precision to each step. You’ll love your landscape and we love happy customers: Get your property restored and looking great with our superior weed extermination services.

Selective herbicide treatments are commonly used on your lawn to kill nuisance weeds without harming the grass, sometimes it may need repeat treatments depending on the conditions. Pre emergent services are also available to help stop the problem before it takes root!

Non selective herbicide treatments will basically kill any vegetation that is treated, this is best for pathways, sidewalks, rock beds, driveways, shop fronts etc.

Fungicide treatments


Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to controlling lawn diseases. The experts at Ecoguard will help you set up a preventative program for disease control that will also help eliminate any current (active) issues.

Common diseases include brown patch, large patch, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, pythium blight, fairy ring and more. The environment, host and pathogen are all taken into consideration when deciding the right approach to your treatment.

Fungicide treatments typically involve identifying the pathogen then choosing the correct fungicide for the job and application, we will also inspect and notify the customer of any conducive conditions found.

you need an expert in

Lawn Disease Control

Lawn disease needs an expert

Lawn disease can strike at anytime to any lawn, no matter how healthy you believe your lawn to be. Common lawn disease's that you may encounter are brown patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, fusarium patch, rust and snow mold.

what your lawn needs

It can be tricky and time consuming trying to keep your lawn looking its best, that's why Ecoguard LLC offers lawn disease control services so you don't have to. Leave it up to our experts to come up with a custom approach catered to your lawns specific needs.

Proven services

Ecoguard LLC of the jersey shore offers a wide spectrum of services to help complete your lawn care needs. From pest control to fertilization, ph balancing and weed control. We got you covered.