Our latest pest or turf control news and resources.

Is Ecoguard a franchise?
The answer is no We are a local family owned business and always will be! When we’re taking care of you, we’re taking care of

Pest of the month for January is… MICE!
January Pest Of The Month! Some FAQ about mice: Adult house mice are typically 2–4 inches long. (excluding the tail) House mice are primarily active

What do racoon droppings look like?
Racoon droppings are commonly referred to as “scat” and are dark cylindrical shaped with blunt ends. Racoons like to defecate in the same spot creating

How do systemic insecticides work?
Systemic insecticides work by being absorbed into a plant’s tissues, where they circulate through the vascular system. So when insects feed on the treated plant,

What do mouse droppings look like?
Mouse droppings (mouse feces) are small, dark and pellet shaped between 1/8 to 1/4 inch big. They can bed described as resembling black rice or

How do you know if you have racoons in the attic?
You can tell if you have racoons or in your attic by checking for signs of damage, smelling unpleasant odors, and hearing noises. Signs of